If my blog got your interest, great! This page has some detailed information about what I can do for you to make your business better. My main motivation is to solve business problems with code.

If you are believe that I can help you, contact me at hello@orellgarten.com or directly book a 15 minute meeting to find out how we can work together.

Things I can do for you

  • Building Proof of Concepts: I love building proof of concepts or prototypes, especially for back-end and data products, to lay the foundation for further work.

  • From Prototypes to Production: Once a prototype is successful, moving it into a production environment has a new set of challenges: automation, observability, scaling.

  • Cloud Migration: I will work with you on a strategy to mov existing applications to the cloud, step by step.

  • Workflow Automation: Automating boring work or error-prone processes. It’s been a central aspect of all my projects so far.

  • Technical Writing: Improving documentation. Writing blog posts.

Ways of working together

  • Individual: I am self-motivated and organized and can work highly independent to deliver solutions without hand-holding. I will ask the right questions to understand your pain-point and deliver high-quality solutions on time. Good communication and writing great documentation is something I take pride in. Thus, you will get regular updates as well as the know-how to keep working on it after the project has been handed over.
  • Team: Besides working individually, I can augment your team with a short-term capacity boost. When working in team I have an eye for the details as well as the bigger picture. I will challenge the status quo when appropriate to improve the quality of the delivered solution.

Preferred Tech

I have worked with several different languages and technology stacks. During my projects I have worked within the Python (flask, FastAPI, Numpy, Pandas, …) and C++ (CMake, Conan) ecosystems, mostly on Linux. During my past work, I have also used Rust, Java, Pascal, and some more languages. With enough time I am confident that I can use any language.

I have also worked with the big cloud providers, mostly AWS and Azure, while implementing software solutions. I set up Continuous Integration and Continous Deployment (CI/CD) for several projects from scratch.

General conditions

First, these are not set in stone and depend on the project, too.

  • Location: I prefer remote work, but occasional travel is not a problem.
  • Time zones: Time differences have not been a problem for me in the past if the nature of the work lends itself to asynchronous communication.
  • Company: I am registered as a single person company (“Freiberuflicher Ingenieur”) in Germany.